Cobra Bubbles and Lilo coloring page

Cobra and Lilo chat while looking contentedly at one another.
This coloring page features an adorable scene of Cobra Bubbles and Lilo talking to each other. The two characters have a friendly conversation, head-to-head, looking into each other's eyes. They both have bright, cheerful expressions and are wearing fun, bright-colored clothing. To make this page come to life, choose coloring tools that bring out the vibrance of the scene. Rich greens, blues, purples, and pinks will highlight the characters' skin tones and clothing. For the background, you may choose to go with a light pastel or one of the colorings present in the characters' outfits. When you are creating the shading, use a light hatching technique to bring out the details of the image. Finally, be sure to blend your colors together so that the result is a unified and beautiful picture.