Gantu fired coloring page

Gantu stands in smoldering crater, blaster smoking, mad.
Gantu stands in the center of a wide, deep crater, his blaster in one hand, the other fist clenched in anger. His eyes are narrowed in a steely glare, as the warm smoke from his recently used weapon thickens up around him. He appears to have been in a recent battle and is still full of rage. To capture this feeling, it's important to emphasize the yellow, orange and red tones in the background. For Gantu, his skin should be a royal blue hue that stands out against his environment. His black and silver clothing should be drawn with deep, dark lines that suggest his rugged combat experience and toughness. Focus on warmer reds and oranges for the blaster, utilizing bright highlights and shadows to show off its power. Finally, bring out detail in the terrain by coloring it in shades of gray and blue.