Donkey tries first coloring page

Shrek & Donkey stand side-by-side, smiling & looking at each other & the camera.
The coloring page features Shrek and Donkey, standing side-by-side and grinning at their viewers. Shrek is facing the camera directly, while Donkey looks in Shrek’s direction. Both of the characters have an infectious smile, giving the viewer a real glimpse of their joy. To bring out the characters’ personalities, why not give them bright and uplifting colors? A cheery yellow for Shrek’s signature wig paired with a gentle blue for Donkey’s eyes will give them life and character. Give Donkey a soft yellow for his body and a rosy pink for his tail to make him truly stand out from his companion. Finally, Shrek’s facial features could be highlighted with lighter shades of green and brown, to emphasize his mischievous yet lovable persona. With the right colors and shading, this coloring page definitely has the potential of becoming a real show-stopper!