Love coloring page

Young woman looks at man who stares at a large, furry Beast, holding a rose. #fairytale
A young woman stands mesmerized by the sight of a strange Beast before her. Its head is held high, its fur a wild fiery red, and its eyes almost seem to glow with its own power. The man beside the woman looks equally captivated, as if just beginning to recognize the power he holds in this moment. The woman is holding a single rose, its petals deep red and velvety, a symbol of her admiration and love. Coloring this page could be a show of admiration and power. Try using a bright, deep red for the Beast’s fur, while keeping its eyes a light and warm yellow to emphasize the strange connection between the man and the Beast. The woman’s hair and the rose in her hand should stand out with a contrasting blue and yellow, helping to tie the whole picture together. Finally, use a brown to give the man a warm and inviting feel, and a deep, dark green for the background to better integrate him into the wild and mysterious world within the image.