Monster and organ coloring page

Dark creature with red eyes & claws, small creature on its back, standing on dark rock; faint castle outline in background.
This eerie coloring page features a mysterious, dark creature with bright red eyes and sharp claws at its center. Its body is covered in thick fur, and it is standing on a large rock with a smaller creature perched on its back. Taking up much of the page, the creature is framed by a faint outline of a castle in the distance. To capture the feel of this scene, consider using muted colors such as deep blues, muted grays, and earthy browns for the creature and the rock it stands atop. For the small creature, it may be interesting to use a bright, vibrant color for its fur for an interesting juxtaposition. The castle silhouette in the background can be lightly colored with a light gray, or even with a subtle pop of color such as lavender or pale pink. Use your imagination when coloring this page to make it as unique and creative as you can.