Belle in the garden coloring page

Belle reading in the garden wearing a yellow dress, hair in a bun, bird on shoulder. #bemyguest
Belle is in the garden surrounded by lush greenery and vibrant flowers in bloom. She is wearing a sunny yellow dress, accessorized with a single pink rose tucked in her hair. She is sitting under a tree, an inquisitive bluebird perched on her shoulder and a book in her hands. To bring it to life, you can use light yellow to color Belle's dress, a bright pink to shade the flower, various greens to fill in the trees and grass, and gray-blues for the bird. To create a vibrant background, you could use oranges and yellows, giving the impression of a warm spring day. Compliment it with soft pinks, whites and browns to create a serene and calming atmosphere. Lastly, you can add layers of shadows and highlights to create a more dimensional look.