Belle with a bouquet of flowers coloring page

Belle smiles as the Beast offers her a bouquet of roses.
Belle stands tall in front of the Beast, her eyes twinkling with happiness. The Beast holds up a bouquet of pink and red roses in one hand while the other hand holds a single rose out to Belle. She responds with a warm smile, conveying her deep admiration for the Beast and his kind heart. To emphasize the beautiful relationship between the two characters, I would suggest coloring the roses in many different shades of pink and red to make them look vibrant and alive. The Beast can be colored in beige and grey hues that contrast with the rosy colors of the roses and Belle's blue dress. Many parts of the drawing can be highlighted with gold or silver to add an extra touch of regal elegance. Finally, Belle and the Beast can be drawn with the same soft colors that convey the idea that their love for each other is unbreakable.