Ongi coloring page

Girl with brown skin stands in desert, holding wooden staff w/curved blade. She faces off against large, red dragon coiled around a rock, head bowed and eyes closed. #Fantasy
A young girl stands alone in the vast desert, her brown skin a stark contrast to the warm, sandy landscape. Her long, wavy black hair is caught in the wind, billowing around her. She is dressed in a simple blue and white dress with billowing sleeves and a blue scarf tied around her waist. In one hand she holds a wooden staff with a curved blade at one end. With her other hand, she extends her arm towards a large, red dragon that is coiled around a rock in front of her. The dragon's head is bowed low and its luminous eyes are closed. To bring this beautiful scene to life in color, I suggest a palette of pale pinks and oranges for the sky and the sand. For the girl, use warm tones with hints of yellow and brown for her skin. The dress and scarf should be blue which stands out against the warm desert tones. For the dragon, use bold shades of red and orange to create the lasting impression of a fierce creature ready to take flight. The staff could be painted with lighter shades of brown, while adding dark blues and grays around the curved bladed tip.