Bambi and the frog coloring page

Bambi and a frog standing in a sunny, flowery forest. Bambi looks curious and happy, frog a bit nervous. #ColoringPage
This coloring page shows Bambi and a small frog standing side-by-side on a patch of grass in a vibrant, forested landscape. The sun is streaming through the trees, and wildflowers are blooming around them. Bambi looks cheerful and curious, while the frog looks a bit nervous. To color this picture, you could use bright colors to bring the scene to life. Start with the deep green of the trees, the deep blue of the sky, and the lush green of the grass. The flowers could be a mix of colors: sunny yellow, cheerful orange, and sweet pink. You could color Bambi brown or warm beige, and the frog a vibrant yellow-green. Finish the page with some sparkles of sunshine for a fun and magical effect.