Hare on ice coloring page

Coloring page of a white rabbit on a block of ice in a blue sky: ears perked, paws lifted slightly, ready to explore its icy terrain. #BambiHareOnIce
The Bambi - Hare on Ice coloring page is a peaceful, tranquil image. The white rabbit sits atop a large block of icy blue, its bright eyes looking off to the side and its ears perked up in curiosity. Its fur appears to be white, its paws delicately perched atop the jagged edge of the ice. The sky behind the rabbit is light blue with a hint of pale pink, creating a calming backdrop. To add color to this page, the sky could be painted with soft pastel blues and hints of pink, while the fur of the rabbit could be shaded with various whites and greys. The ice could be differentiated by creating light and dark blues, working in yellows and greens to make the blue look more watery and icy. Finally, details could be added like tiny snowflakes and swirls in the sky.