Arthur defends himself coloring page

Arthur and Minimoys defend themselves with sticks, helmets, armor and a shield, surrounded by tall plants. #AardmanAnimation
Arthur stands with determination, his stick held ready to defend himself and his companions against any harm. He wears a helmet to protect his head, and a breastplate and shin guards to protect his body. Standing alongside him are three Minimoys, the smallest of his allies. One of them holds a shield as they prepare to face whatever they may face. Together they are surrounded by tall green plants, creating an oasis of safety in an otherwise hostile world. To bring this image to life, begin by coloring in the green of the plants to make them stand out against the beige of the environment. Shade Arthur's armor to give it texture and depth, make sure the helmet and breastplate are darker than the rest of his armor to create a contrast. Give the Minimoys bright and vibrant colors with sharp contrasts to make them stand out from the background. Finally, add details to Arthur's stick, shield and helmet to give each a unique and individual look.