Timon coloring page

An old, mischievous raccoon peers out from beneath a tuft of gray fur, worn brown loincloth, and droopy ears.
The ancient figure in the coloring page is both comical and wise. His aged features are highlighted by the gray color of his fur and the sunken eyes that look out at the viewer. His long snout is lined with furry whiskers and a tuft of gray fur sits atop his head. He is clothed by a tattered brown loincloth that accentuates his scrawny frame. His large ears droop down and his long tail hangs limply behind him, betraying his weariness. Despite his age and fatigue, his glance has a twinkle of mischievous energy, like he's up to something. To color this joker in a way that complements his weathered features and playful aura, use warm colors, such as golden-yellow, for his fur, white for his eyes and snout, and light brown for his loincloth. The shadows of his fur should be a pale version of the golden-yellow, and the shadows of his loincloth should be dark brown. For his tail, mix a light and dark gray to indicate the furrowed texture. Finally, use shades of orange and red to add a sense of warmth and liveliness to the figure and the entire page.