Adults Simba and Nala coloring page

Simba & Nala stand together, united, on a rock in serene harmony, in the savannah of adulthood. #LionKing
The adult Lion King, Simba and Nala, are both standing on a large rock in the middle of a beautiful, open savannah landscape. Simba has his paw gently reaching out and touching Nala’s shoulder, while on her side Nala has her paw resting on his back. Their expressions are peaceful and serene, as if they have returned to their once familiar home in the African plains. To color this page, I would suggest starting by using a light brown color to shade the rocks under their feet and outlining the area with a darker brown, creating a natural setting. For Simba and Nala, a light beige would be nice for their fur and shades of tawny and dark brown for their manes. From there, use lighter colors and shades of yellow and red to highlight the bucolic background and to bring out the overall beauty of the scene.