Cartoon storks coloring page

A large, white bird with long legs, neck, black beak & feet. Stands on a branch, small body & long tail. #Stork
This stork looks majestic as it stands tall, dominating the tree it perches on. Its white feathers contrast its bold black beak and feet, creating a striking visual. The dark, intricate pattern of its feathered wings is fascinating and will be exquisite to bring out through the choice of coloring. For example, a rich blue hue on the wings provides a beautiful backdrop for the whites of its body. Its detailing of shading should be highlighted in neutral earthy tones. These will really bring out the stork's strong silhouette against the leafy tree surroundings. On its chest and belly, pale pinks and yellows will emphasize its petite form, while its long tail can be shown with a sweeping, vibrant orange splash. Color this majestic bird to bring out its beauty!