Minions Bob, Kevin and Stewart coloring page

Three Minions: Bob, Kevin, and Stewart. All wearing blue overalls, yellow skin, 2 eyes, small noses & mouths. Arms & legs proportional to body.
From left to right, Bob, Kevin, and Stewart dominate the page view with their cartoonish yellow skin and blue overalls. Bob has one large tooth jutting out from his mouth which gives him an especially unique smile. Their arms and legs all have the same length and their proportions are just right. Each Minion has two wide eyes above their tiny nose and mouth. This page offers a great opportunity to use contrasting colors. For example, pick a light blue for the overalls, a dark yellow for the skin, and a bright pink or orange for their eyes. Add some shades of green and purple to their arms and legs and you have a cheerful summertime scene! Use variations of the same colors if you want to bring more vibrancy. Finally, add some white or silver to Bob's tooth to really make it stand out.