Troll Topolek coloring page

Large, furry blue crtr w/purple belly, 4 arms, long nose, sharp teeth, & small beady eyes. Stand. Wear brown leather loincloth & holds big, wooden staff.
This coloring page features a large and furry blue creature with a brightly-colored purple belly. It has four long, powerful arms and an impressive, long nose. Its large mouth is filled with sharp, pointed teeth, and its small eyes have an intense, beady stare. Standing on two long legs, it dons a brown leather loincloth and holds a large, wooden staff in one of its hands. For added depth and texture, I would add shadows and highlights of light blues and purples to the creature's fur. The leather loincloth and wooden staff could be shaded with darker and lighter hues of the same colors to create a more realistic look. For the eyes, a mix of dark blues, purples, and even a bit of yellow could be used to give them a unique, sinister expression. Finally, to add a magical touch to the page, I would give the staff and the creature's body a subtle glow of white or gold.