DJ Sounds coloring page

DJ Troll plays music on turntable, yellow skin & purple hair, with silver necklace & purple dress. #BeatsByTroll
This is a happy DJ Troll playing the music they love. They have long purple hair which is tied up into two buns at the side of their head. They are wearing a purple dress and a silver necklace. For this page, it would be great to start off with a subtle background colour to bring out the vivid yellows and purples of the Troll. A light pink, blue or grey could work well. Use shades of yellow and strong purples for the body, garments and hair to really make the Troll stand out. Add details to their necklace and dress with a darker purple or blacks and a few silver highlights. With the turntable, you could use a darker grey or brown to give it weight and then layer it with white and silver hues to add definition to the buttons and grooves. Finally, add some pops of colour by using a blue for the handles and scarlet for the needle for a fun twist.