Tiana and Prince Naveen dance coloring page

Princess and prince dancing in dapper suit & beautiful gown, having the time of their lives swirling around the room.
The princess and prince are gracefully swirling around the ballroom, the princess in a stunning full skirt dress with a fitted bodice and diamond earrings, and the prince wearing an elegant black tuxedo with a bowtie. The princess gracefully holds the prince's arm as their feet float across the floor of the ballroom. The walls are blushed with a powder blue hue and are draped with glittering tapestries and curtains. The marble floor has a golden trim and it sparkles as the couple moves around. To bring this beautiful picture to life, use pastel colors such as pink and powder blue to capture the warm tones of the ballroom. Bring the prince to life by using darker shades of navy and black to outline the tuxedo as he gracefully moves around the room. The princess can be brought to life with feather pinks and soft whites to color her dress and to give bit of extra sparkle, use glittery pencils or pens to add some diamond or jewel details to her earrings and the trim of the walls.