Crocodile attack coloring page

Man & woman in car attacked by crocodile, mouth open & ready to bite.
This coloring page shows a scene of chaos and excitement! A man is driving a car, with a woman in a purple dress in the passenger seat. The two of them are facing a menacing crocodile that's leaping towards them, its mouth wide open and ready to attack. The man and woman appear to be shocked and surprised, letting us know that danger is imminent! To bring the scene to life, you could color the car a bright and vibrant yellow, and the crocodile a deep, murky green. The man and woman could be colored in with different shades of browns to give the subtle impression they are sitting in the shadows. To highlight the danger, fill in the purple dress with a bright, bold hue to make the woman stand out in the scene. Finally, to complete the look, add a bright and sunny sky - because in the heat of the moment, a normal sky won't do!