Tiana turned into a frog coloring page

Tiana is a frog, worried and on a lily pad surrounded by other frogs.
This beautiful coloring page features Princess Tiana from the movie 'The Princess and the Frog.' She has been transformed into a frog and is now perched on a floating lily pad in the middle of a pond. Surrounding her are other frogs of all sizes, shapes, and colors. Tiana has a worried look on her face, no doubt wondering how she'll break the spell and return to her human form. To bring this image to life, color the lily pad a bright, cheerful green and add subtle yellow highlights to the frog's skin to make it shine. Use blues, purples, and greens to show the reflection of the stars in the water. Add whimsical details with white and yellow to capture the glow of the fireflies in the night sky. This page is an excellent opportunity to express your creativity and show off the vibrant colors of the enchanting world of the The Princess and the Frog!