Tiana makes a wish coloring page

Tiana holds a small frog and is ready to make a wish in a dark room.
Tiana is standing in a shadowy, mysterious room. Her back is to us, but her posture reveals her concentrated determination. In her hands, she holds a small but spirit-like frog, his froggy eyes looking up at her imploringly. Just beyond Tiana's shoulder, a hint of light disperses from an unseen corner, hinting at a hopeful possibility. She looks primed and ready to make a wish that could change her fate. To color this page, I would begin by creating a muted palette of rich purples and blues to evoke Tiana's solemn mood and the darkness of the room. To lighten the overall feel of the illustration, I would also include some golds, yellows, and pinks, which also suggest the magical atmosphere in which Tiana finds herself. Finally, I would add some light greens to the Frog Prince himself, drawing attention to the pivotal figure in this scene.