Charlotte is Tiana's friend coloring page

Tiana & Charlotte stand at a green door, Tiana holding a key. Charlotte smiles & excitedly awaits the surprise.
This coloring page is the perfect illustration of friendship. Tiana and Charlotte are standing together in front of a green door. Tiana has a key in her hand, which could represent closure and new beginnings. Charlotte is smiling, showing that she is content and happy. To color this page, start by using bright shades to add life to the door – a lime green, or a nice apple green for example. To make the figures stand out, you can use darker tones such as a navy blue for Tiana and baby pink for Charlotte. To finish it off, you could make use of lighter accents – a yellow for Tiana's key and a peach color for Charlotte's cheeks. This joyful coloring page would look amazing with the vibrant colors of your choice.