Kind Witch Mama Odie coloring page

An older woman with dark brown skin, a large Afro, and a gap-toothed smile is surrounded by small animals holding a staff.
This lively scene is set in the outdoors, with a lush green landscape in the background and a bright sun beaming down. The older woman, with her deep brown skin, joyful smile and large white Afro, stands out in the center of the page. She sports a regal purple headscarf, a gap between her front teeth and holds a staff in her right hand. Around her are the furry friends in her life; a frog, a cat and a rat who seem to be looking for a snack! The different textures of the woman and the animals add depth to this scene and would come alive with the use of various shades and tones of purple for the headscarf as well as greens and browns for the plants and animals. Paint in the vibrant yellow of the sun to bring warmth and energy to the page. Rich reds and oranges would bring the staff to life and provide a beautiful contrast to the woman. Adding shadows and highlights with a variety of light and dark shades of the same colors will help create a beautiful harmonious composition.