Shadow Man coloring page

Man of color stands by tree, frog on head, sack on shoulder, gazing at frog. #coloringpage
The man in the coloring page has dark skin and stands in front of a big tree. Perched atop his head is a tiny green frog, gazing curiously at the man. Over his shoulder is a large sack and in his hands, he holds a long stick. He is taking in the sight of the frog on his head with wonderment. To color this picture, use bright and vibrant greens for the frog to give him a cheerful and vibrant feel. For the man, warm and earthy tones would be best to emphasize his skin tone – potentially a yellow-orange for the shirt and a light brown for the trousers. The trees should be colored in shades of green with the lightest shades closest to the man and darker shadows further away. The background can be colored with muted blues and grays to keep the focus on the man and the frog.