Wedding coloring page

Two people in a loving embrace, surrounded by friends & family beneath a large tree. He in a suit, she in white, smiles & joy all around.
This delightful scene shows two people, a man and a woman, standing together and smiling. The man has his arm around the woman, and they look happy. They are surrounded by a group of people who seem to be celebrating the couple and their love. The woman is wearing a crisp white dress and a veil and the man is wearing a sleek black suit. Behind them stands a large, leafy tree, providing a beautiful backdrop. When coloring this scene, you can bring out the intimacy between the two people by using shades of pink for the woman’s dress and veil and shades of navy blue or grey for the man’s suit. The people in the background can be colored with bright colors such as red, yellow, and green to draw the viewer’s attention to their joyous expressions. The sky can be a lovely, calming blue and the grass a bright, lush green. Finally, the tree can be a deep, rusty brown to replicate the look of bark and contrast with the colors of the foreground.