Prince Naveen and Princess Tiana coloring page

Young woman & man look at each other & smile; she holds a blue flower--likely Princess Tiana & Prince Naveen. #disneyprincess
The coloring page features two characters, presumably the famous Princess Tiana and her dashing Prince Naveen. They are standing side-by-side and appear to be deep in conversation. Tiana is smiling sweetly and holding a beautiful blue flower in her hands. The coloring page offers an enchanting serene background of lush green grass and clear blue skies, as if to evoke an almost fairytale quality. To color this scene, I would recommend using a soft, dreamy palate of pale blues, light greens and whites. For Tiana and Naveen, use slightly warmer colors such as golden yellows and sandy browns to give them both warmth and life. The flower itself is blues, and I would use shades which range from deep navy blues to gentle sky blues. Finally, I would use playful splashes of pink and oranges in the sky to make it truly magical.