Tiana coloring page

Young black woman in green dress cooking a pot of boiling water with a frog at its edge.
The coloring page shows a young black woman, with a light brown complexion and short black hair. She is wearing a green dress with white trim and a white apron, standing in front of a big pot with boiling water. On the edge of the pot sits a frog. This is a very fun image to color. It can be full of vibrant colors to bring life to the young woman and her environment. For example, the dress can be light or dark green, or may even be left in the traditional black and white to highlight the white apron. The woman's face can be accented with brown tones, while her eyes can be made bright and prominent with a light blue tone. The boiling pot could be a bright yellow, and the frog can be a vibrant mixture of blues and greens. To add even more life to the image, you could also throw in a few splashes of color around the page, to emphasize the background and to make the woman stand out even more.