Princess Tiana coloring page

Princess Tiana stands with a frog looking up at her, wearing a green dress with purple flowers, smiling.
Princess Tiana stands in the middle of an enchanted forest, dressed in a vibrant emerald gown adorned with delicate purple flowers. Her right arm is outstretched, presenting a small frog that gazes up at her with big, hopeful eyes. The princess has a beautiful, gentle smile on her face. To make the image come to life, shades of green, yellow, and pink will bring the dress to life, and make it look as if the flowers are truly blooming. Add pops of purple to the beautiful gown and a hint of rosy blush to Tiana's cheeks. Then, warm shades of brown and yellow can be used to bring the frog to life, and cool grays can be used to add texture to the tree in the background.