Dracula coloring page

A spooky castle scene with a feast, cobwebs, bats, & a full moon shining in.
This spooky coloring page depicts a tall castle in the background, with a table at its base. On the table are platters piled high with food, a rich display for a feast. Cobwebs and bats hang from the ceilings and walls of the castle, lit up by a full moon that is shining in from outside the window. To create a realistic effect, use soft blues and grays to color the stone exterior of the castle and the cobwebs. For a dramatic effect, deep reds, purples, and oranges can be used to color the food on the table, the bats, and the bright moonlight. Finish off the picture with a few touches of warm gold and some deep shadows. Let your imagination soar and have fun as you color this mysterious castle setting.