Snow white holding a christmas ball coloring page

The Disney princesses are excitedly celebrating the New Year with a Christmas ball!
The Disney Princesses are gathered around Snow White to ring in the start of a new year. Aurora holds a string of fairy lights and Mulan has a bouquet of colorful paper flowers. Jasmine and Belle each have a sparkling tiara and Cinderella has a golden shaker with chimes. The festive setting calls for a splash of color to truly bring it to life! Snow White's golden curls can be made more glamorous with glitter pens and a touch of pink on her lips. Aurora could be colored in shades of pink, while Mulan's paper flowers could be finished with delicately shaded petals. Sparkle in the tiaras and the golden shaker with a rainbow of bright hues and the winter scenes of snowflakes with glimmering silver. Allow the fun of the new year celebration to shine through in the colorful page.