Aurora's Winter Outfit coloring page

Disney princesses celebrate New Year: Aurora wearing white dress, blue belt, cape, tiara and earrings in front of fireplace & Christmas tree.
The beautiful Disney princesses are ready to celebrate the New Year! Aurora stands gracefully in front of a fireplace with a Christmas tree in the background. Her white dress is trimmed with a blue belt and a dramatic cape, and she has a blue tiara and earrings to complete her royal look. To maximize the effect, the dress, cape and belt could be made a soft, white blue color to bring out the winter feeling. A while or silver would be a great choice to make the white look like freshly fallen snow. The Christmas tree could be a fun combination of shades of green, red, and yellow to bring out the joy of the season. To make it more magical, adding a few touches of silver and read sparkles. Lastly, to give a bit of of warmth and happiness, coloring the fireplace in a light, golden brown color and adding some cheerful fires for effect.