Cinderella, Ariel, Snow White coloring page

Cinderella in light blue ballgown in front of castle, Ariel red-haired mermaid w/ purple shell bra, Snow White in yellow/blue dress in forest looking away.
The page is full of color, but it can be filled in with even more vibrancy. To bring this scene to life, start with Cinderella: her blue gown can be filled in with lighter or even metallic blues and purples. Her golden locks can come alive with shades of yellow to bring out their natural glimmer. For the castle behind her, try different shades of grey, from light to dark, as well as a tinge of blue or white in certain areas to make it look majestic and grand. Next, turn to Ariel. Spruce up her purple seashell with pinks or even golden hues! Her green and blue tail will shine if you choose ocean shades of teal, emerald, and even navy blue. Finally, Snow White's yellow and blue dress look delightful when accompanied by orange or even pink. Accent it with a bit of red or burgundy, and her red bow will truly stand out. So go forth and let your imagination turn this coloring page into a masterpiece! Let your creativity run free and don't forget to go in and add small touches to the details.