The villain in the bowler hat coloring page

Villain in bowler hat: cane, monocle, top hat, suit, mustache, goatee.
This villainous figure is dressed in a very suave looking set of clothing. His top hat is perched atop his head and his bowler hat is pulled down low. He has a wisp of a mustache and a long, thin goatee. He is carrying a wooden cane and has a monocle in one eye. To emphasize his dastardly look, you could color the bowler hat black and the rest of the suit a light grey, separating the top hat with a bright accent color like red. Paint his facial features in muted browns and reds, leaving his monocle a bright white to really make it stand out. Finally, give the cane a warm, wooden tone. This will create a classic dastardly villain look that will really come alive with the right splash of color.