Insidious plans coloring page

Lewis worries as man in black suit examines his drawing of machine; open briefcase at their feet.
Lewis is sitting at a desk, looking down at the paper in his hands. On it, he has drawn a complex machine with intricate details and various parts. He looks worried and unsure, as if he doesn't know how to fix it. Across from him, a man in a black suit is studying the drawing intently. His briefcase is open on the floor next to him, its contents strewn across the floor. The colors chosen to bring this image to life should help emphasize the tense atmosphere at hand. Use dark and somber colors to fill in the room, contrasting with lighter colors to highlight the details of the drawing, the thoughtful expressions of both characters, and the bright white paper that Lewis holds. The colors should be mostly shades of blue and gray, but with a few brighter colors to help draw attention to certain points, such as the spots of yellow on the machine parts and the man's deep blue suit. Using splashes of green across the image could also be an effective way to add interest and color. Finish the picture by adding a few final touches of lighter colors to the faces of the characters and the details of the paper Lewis is holding. Let each color work in tandem to help create the proper mood and bring this scene to life.