Basketball coloring page

Mickey, Goofy and Minnie are playing basketball while Donald is just observing.
Mickey, Goofy and Minnie are out on the basketball court, surrounding the hoop. Mickey is dribbling the ball deftly in his hands, getting ready to launch it towards the hoop. Goofy and Minnie are standing in front of the hoop, ready to shoot. Meanwhile, Donald is sitting on the sidelines, seemingly uninterested in the basketball game. To color this picture, take advantage of some vibrant hues created with crayons and markers! Start with dark blue for the basketball court, and then add yellow, red and black accents to create an intense game day atmosphere. Make Mickey's shirt a bright red and his shorts a deep blue, and then make Goofy and Minnie's outfits pink and purple to give them their own vibrant touches and show off their personalities. Finally, add some greens and browns to Donald's outfit to make him stand out from the other players.