Bear-Elinor disguises coloring page

Elinor wears a bear costume, looking fierce & brave!
Elinor is ready to take on the world with her brave bear disguise! The upper half of her body is covered with warm brown fluff, complete with two round ears and a fierce muzzle. Her head is enveloped in a thick warm fur, with two bright black eyes poking out from below. Elinor looks both fierce and confident with her outfit! To bring out her brave and confident demeanor, try to use bright orange, yellow, and red hues to color the fur. For her eyes, go for a deep, dark brown to symbolize her strength and courage. For her ears, try using lighter oranges and browns to give them a more fluffy look. Finally, use a dark brown for her muzzle and around the eyes to give a more haunting look. With that, Elinor is all set to take on the world!