Princess Merida with sword coloring page

Young woman with red hair and blue dress holding a sword stands before castle on a hill, forest in background, blue sky.
This coloring page has all the elements for a gorgeous masterpiece. A young woman stands in the center-- her long curly red hair envelops her shoulders, and her blue dress with its yellow tartan pattern is regal and vibrant. She holds a sword in her right hand, and her left hand is resting on it's pommel. Her gaze is determined, and behind her stands a castle atop a hill. The forest backdrop gives the scene a magical atmosphere, and the sky is a beautiful blue. To really bring this picture to life, use a variety of colors, like blues and purples in the castle, a warm golden yellow for the tartan pattern, and contrast the dark greens of the forest against the bright blue sky. Don't forget to add darker colors to the shadowed areas, like the young woman's hair, and to shade and blend colors together. If done correctly, you can achieve a beautiful painting that is truly a sight to behold!