Amateur chemist Honey Lemon coloring page

Young woman in polka-dot dress & Mary Jane shoes looks into test tube, slim & long yellow hair, big round glasses, black belt.
This coloring page shows a quirky, young woman, ready for her next scientific experiment. Her long, bright yellow hair falls around her shoulders and is framed by her big round glasses. She is dressed in a charming, knee-length red dress with white polka dots and a black belt. On her feet are pretty black Mary Jane shoes, the perfect addition for her outfit. To add a finishing touch, you could use a light brown to make her hair look more natural, a deep pink or purple for her dress, a black or dark blue to make her belt and shoes stand out, or a light green or blue to make her glasses look fabulous. You could also use lighter colors to make her skin look soft and delicate. Fun and unique elements could be added to bring out her personality, such as a pink or blue lab coat or a beaker in her hand. No matter what colors you choose, this coloring page is sure to be a one-of-a-kind piece of art.