Robot-nurse Beymax coloring page

Robot-like machine with red heart on chest; shaped like medic's cross, beeping from chest; long, thin arms and delicate fingers; standing next to hospital bed.
This large, white robot-like machine is a reminder of the healing power of kindness and compassion. Its head is in the shape of a medic's cross, and it has a beeping sound coming from its chest – a reminder that hope never fades. On its chest, there is a big, red heart, symbolizing the love and care that gives the machine its purpose. Its arms are long and thin, and its hands are delicate, with small, detailed fingers – perfect for comforting those in need. It stands atop a round, sturdy base, with a hospital bed next to it, a constant reminder of its mission. This comforting machine could be colored vibrantly to emphasize its purpose. For instance, its large, red heart could be shaded with a warm, dark red, and its head could be filled with a bright, cobalt blue. Its wide arms could be painted a light pastel green, and around the hospital bed, a soft purple could be used to give the scene more life and dimension. Finally, with a touch of gold and silver around the body, details could be added to further bring out its unique and comforting design.