Fredzilla coloring page

Fierce Fredzilla rampages, smashing a car with its fists & knocking over a lamppost in a blue & white jumpsuit. Yellow eyes, sharp teeth, long snake-like tongue.
The coloring page features a monstrous green figure wreaking havoc. Standing on two legs, it has yellow eyes, black pupils, and sharp rows of teeth. Its arms end in clawed hands, and it is wearing a blue and white jumpsuit with the words "FREDZILLA" printed on the chest. It appears angry, having already toppled a lamppost and shattered a car in its destruction. To make the creature seem alive, one could use lighter shades of green to create a sense of movement and dimension. To create details like facial features, use a darker green to outline the monster’s eyes, mouth, and teeth. Additional touches could be given to the jumpsuit and its words. Finally, to capture the creature’s wrath and destruction, color the background with shades of grey, black, and red to create a sense of chaos.