Hooligans on the road coloring page

Group gathered around car with open hood; man checking engine; others with beer; looks like party.
This coloring page depicts a group of people gathered around a parked car with its hood open. In the engine compartment, a man is leaning in to inspect what may be the problem. Around him stands several other people, including several who are holding cans of beer, suggesting that they are in the midst of having a party. To color this scene, use bright and cheerful hues for the people and the car, using blue for the sky in the background and greens for the trees and grass. Bright yellows, oranges, and reds would be suitable choices for the car, while the people can be given any color you desire. Use lighter colors for the beer cans to add a touch of humor. Finally, use softer shades of blue and grey to bring out shadows and add volume to the car.