Crying fire truck coloring page

A fire truck drives through a city, wide-eyed and open-mouthed, sorrowfully wailing. #citylife #firetruck
This fire truck is barreling through the city, siren blazing and a look of fear and urgency on its face. Its red paint looks vibrant against the grayish blues of the downtown buildings. The bright yellow outlining the truck and its ladders serves as a stark contrast to the backdrop. You can almost feel the energy radiating from it. To bring this picture to life, use vivid oranges and reds to make the flame paint pop, and add shades of yellow and gold to add dimension to the details. For a vibrant sky, opt for blues and pinks, and use deeper shades of gray to add depth to the skyline. The black stripes around the truck frame and hose will keep the fire truck the star of the show.