The master eats backwards coloring page

Blue car in lower left corner facing right; yellow car in upper right corner facing left.
The background of this coloring page is a vibrant blue sky sprinkled with white clouds. In the lower left corner, a navy blue car is drawn with its tires pointed right and its headlights indicating the car is heading off-screen. Its windows are outlined in white, and its wheels are drawn using small triangles of black and white. The car's left fender is shaded a lighter hue of blue and there are two details at the front of the car in silver. In the upper right corner, a bright yellow car faces left. Its wheels are drawn as circles and its headlights are small white dots. The windows on this car are grey and the left fender is shaded with a lighter tone of yellow. This car also has small details on the front in silver. To color this page, use bright, bold colors to make sure the cars stand out from the blue sky. For the blue car, choose a navy blue for the main color and a lighter shade for the fender. Outline the windows in white, and add detail to the headlights and front by using black and silver. For the yellow car, use a bright shade with a lighter tone for the fender. Shade in the windows using a light grey and add details to the headlights and front of the car with black and silver. Finally, color in the white clouds and the sky a bright blue.