Fairy of the Light of Iridescence coloring page

Peaceful beast glowing with mysterious light as a small, winged creature tend to it.
This coloring page illustrates a majestic beast that has been chained to a rock, but still appears serene. A small, winged creature is perched upon the beast's head and shines a brilliant light, making the beast's fur appear to be luminous. The creature's care seems to counter the harshness of the chain wrapping around the beast, making it an unexpected yet comforting sight. To bring this page to life, I recommend coloring the beast with warm, comforting tones like earthy browns while envisioning a peaceful home. Choose vibrant pinks and golden yellows to colour the small creature's light, producing a bewitching contrast to the earth tones of the beast's fur. The rock could be made more dynamic with grays, blues, and greens working in tandem to create a sturdy and timeless piece of art.