Fauna pulls a sharp thorn from the Beast's paw coloring page

Fauna tends to an injured, dragon-like neverbeast as its vibrant wings stretch across the sky.
The neverbeast is a majestic creature, its dragon-like frame looming over the land with its enormous wings spread wide. Its large claws reach towards the ground, while jagged spikes line its back. Fauna stands beside the beast, looking quite small in comparison. She has large ears and wide eyes, as well as a gentle, nurturing disposition. She has her hands on the neverbeast, tending to a wound on its side. To color this scene, you could use vibrant shades of blue to bring the neverbeast to life. Its wings could be shaded with a rich, deep navy color, while its claws and spikes make a statement in bright white or silver. You could then choose a soft green for Fauna, to contrast with the neverbeast's formidable appearance. Her eyes could be made lively with an orange hue, to make them appear even bigger. Add subtle drips of brown and yellow to mimic the creature's fur and make it stand out from the background.