Tarzan and the monkey coloring page

Tarzan and a monkey swing through the air above a river.
This action-packed scene features Tarzan and a mischievous monkey swinging through the air on a thick vine. Tarzan is in the lead, arms outstretched and body gracefully arched as they soar above the river below. The monkey, clinging to him tightly with both arms and legs, has a devilish smile on his face as they experience this thrilling ride together. To bring this scene to life through coloring, we can use different shades of green in various depth to create a lush backdrop of the surrounding jungle trees. For the river, a few shades of blue along with a hint of grey can help to create the look of flowing water. Tarzan's skin can be given some tanned tones while the monkey is an interesting shade of off-white with some brown highlights. Finally, accents such as a touch of yellow on the vine and an orange beak for the curious parrot flying alongside them may help to create the perfect scene.