Gorilla Kala coloring page

Kala is a kind and loving gorilla, who acts as a patient teacher and helpful friend to Tarzan.
Kala is a small, but wise and kind gorilla. She is standing tall with a gentle expression on her face, her arms outspread. She is surrounded by warm and vibrant greens of the jungle, as she smiles down at her adopted son, Tarzan. Her fur is a mix of brown and black, her eyes are bright and alert. Her arm is outstretched, offering comfort and reassurance to Tarzan, even though they come from different worlds. To bring out Kala's strong and gentle character, color her fur in shades of dark brown andcolors her eyes a warm golden brown. Bring out the vibrant greens of the jungle by coloring the leaves with a bold, emerald green. For a more serene tone, color the sky in a soft blue and the ground in a light beige. Finish the picture with splashes of bright yellows and oranges, to bring warmth and happiness to the scene.