Tarzan and Cala coloring page

Tarzan stands on a log in the water, gripping a knife and a tree branch. An alligator swims his way.
This coloring page portrays the classic Tarzan tale of the daring jungle hero! It shows Tarzan standing on a floating log in a river, gripping a branch with his left hand and holding his knife protectively in his right hand. His gaze is fixed ahead, where a large alligator is swiftly approaching. To bring the scene alive, coloring the environment itself is key. Use natural tones, such as light greens, blues, and grays to fill in the river, trees and sky. Adding shadows in certain areas, such as the dark underside of the log, can further enrich the scene. For Tarzan, use shades of brown for his clothing, hair and skin, and for the alligator, use darks greys and browns. Adding texture to the page, such as lighter and darker shading, will bring it to life. Finally, for a dramatic flair, add a firey orange-red to the alligator's eyes.