The hunt has begun coloring page

Hunters on horseback chase a large bear through the woods, all armed with spears, ready to kill.
The bear is running with immense speed, its strong legs and powerful muscles carrying it forward as it narrowly avoids the spears flying past it. Its fur is dark and its eyes are lit with determination as it sprints through the forest. The horse-riding hunters are close behind, their own determination evident as they race along in pursuit. The warm colors of the autumn trees provide the ideal backdrop to this thrilling scene, and make it the perfect coloring page. To color the bear, use browns and blacks to make it stand out against the oranges and reds of the surrounding woods. Shade in lighter colors to give the bear's fur an added dimension, while keeping the hunters' spears and the horse's coats a rusty hue. Keep the colors of the hunters on the lighter end of the spectrum, so that they don't blend too much with the foliage. For the trees, use deep yellows, oranges and browns to really bring the fall colors to life. Finally, use white to highlight the light and shadows on the bear's face and body.