Koda and Kenai coloring page

Two bears standing on their hind legs, one larger and darker, the other smaller and lighter. Both mouths open and paws in the air.
This coloring page presents a big and small bear standing on their hind legs side by side. The bigger bear is a dark brown color, with his mouth open and his tongue hanging out. The smaller bear is a light brown, with a darker patch on his chest, and his mouth open as if he's looking at the bigger one. To emphasize the differences between the two bears, I would color the bigger one a much darker brown, and the smaller one a brighter, lighter brown with a darker patch. The sky in the background should be a bright blue, with wispy white clouds. The grass can be a lighter green with subtle yellow and brown highlights. I would add a few red wildflowers around the bears to bring some color and life to the picture. Finally, to give the scene depth, I would add some depth in the midground with a darker green and in the background with a darker blue.